Preliminary Remark
Almost all works are exclusively published by Boosey & Hawkes / Bote & Bock, Berlin. The few exceptions are in most cases also available through Boosey & Hawkes:
The works marked with * in the catalogue raisonné can be purchased in music and internet shops, for example at
All other editions, orchestral material etc. are available from the publisher:
Boosey & Hawkes / Bote & Bock
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10787 Berlin, Germany
Fon +49-30-2500-13-0
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The list of Isang Yun’s compositions has been arranged according to genres and instrumentation sizes. Within these categories, the arrangement is as chronological as possible.
For the first time the work titles are preceded by work numbers. These refer exclusively to the official œuvre that was composed in Europe. Number 1 was thus assigned for the Five Pieces for Piano (1958), although we know that numerous compositions preceded this work (compositions until 1958).
The connections between independent works have been usually made clear by so-called annotations to the respective work entry. In some cases, Yun took some bars out of a existing composition that served to create valid new works. These refers to the choirs Ein Schmetterlingstraum (1968-69), Vom Tao (1972/82), the Trio for Flute (Alto Flute), Oboe and Violin (1972-73), the alto flute solo Solomon (1977-78) and the Monologue for bass clarinet (1983, more precisely: 1981-83), but also to the Duo for oboe and harp Kleines Doppelkonzert [Small Double Concerto] (1977/88).
Only in very few cases were a and b numbers assigned. This is the case with edits like the different Gagok versions (27, 27a, 27b). Furthermore, connections between independent works were underlined by the assignment of a-numbers, for example in the case of the Quartet with Intermezzo (85 and 85a; 1988) or in the case of Yun’s last composition at all, the Epilogue for women’s choir and five instruments, which can also be performed separately, and which must conclude the orchestral piece Engel in Flammen / Angel in Flames (1994) according to Yun’s wish and last will (112 and 112a).
Only some of the early works written in Korea have been included here, especially when printed editions are (or were) available. Not mentioned here is an edition financed by MBC Masan for the Tongyeong Music Festival 2003, which contains the Five Songs re-released in the 1990s, a 1951 song Naktonggang (not to be confused with the film music suite of the same name), ten school anthems, a university anthem, and five children’s songs (“The Ttaria Girl”, “The Baby Bell”, “Little Soldier Goes Out”, “The Owl”, “Graduation Day”) by Isang Yun.
Another volume of 58 children’s and school songs (including 47 songs for school use) was published by the Tongyeong Cultural Center in December 2017.
A. Music Theatre
13 Der Traum des Liu-Tung / The Dream of Liu-Tung (1965)
Opera in a Prelude, four Dream Images and an Epilogue based on an ancient Chinese play by Ma Chi-Yuan, translated by Hans Rudelsberger. Opera version by Winfried Bauernfeind
Roles: Liu-Tung, a young student (high baritone) – Chin-Yang, a hermit (baritone) – Pien-Fu, a merchant (tenor) – Yü-Chan, Pien-Fu’s wife (soprano) – Mrs. Wang, widow of the hostel (mezzo-soprano) – Tung-Hua, an immortal (bass) – Choir of the Celestials (mixed choir [behind stage or on tape])
Orchestra: 2 (picc., alto fl.), 2 (Engl. horn), 1 (bass clar.), 1 (contrabassoon) – 2, 1, 1, 1 – hp. – timp., 4 perc. – strings
WP: Berlin, 25 September 1965, Akademie der Künste
Ulrich Weder (cond.), Winfried Bauernfeind (stage director), Francis Teston (stage design / costumes)
Duration: 55 minutes
The one-act play can be performed together with The Butterfly’s Widow (1967/68) under the title Dreams.
Score, Vocal Score, *Libretto “Träume”
17 Die Witwe des Schmetterlings / The Butterfly’s Widow (1967-68)
Opera in three scenes (one act) nach einer chinesischen Novelle des 16. Jahrhunderts.
Libretto by Harald Kunz. Engl. version by Robert Gay: Butterfly Widow
Roles: Lao-tse (tenor) – Tschuang-tse (baritone) – Mrs Tiän, his wife (mezzo-soprano) – Young widow (soprano) – Prince Fu (high baritone) – Servant of the prince (bass) – Cemetery visitors / ghosts (mixed choir)
Orchestra: 2 (picc., alto fl.), 2 (Engl. horn), 1 (bass clar.), 1 (contrabassoon) – 2, 1, 1, 1 – hp. – timp., 5 perc. – strings
WP: Nürnberg, 23 Februar 1969
Hans Gierster (cond.), Wolfgang Weber (director), Peter Heyduck (stage design)
US premiere: Evanston / Illinois, 27 february 1970, Northwestern University
Duration: 60 minutes
Both one-act plays – The Dream of Liu-Tung (1965) and The Butterfly’s Widow (1967/68) – can be performed under the title Dreams.
Score, *Vocal Score (German / English), *Libretto “Träume”
21 Geisterliebe / Love of Spirits (1969-70)
Opera in two acts. Libretto by Harald Kunz after a Chinese novel of Pu Sung-Li and Martin Buber.
Roles: Narrator (alto) – Pan Hon-San, a young scholar (tenor) – Son-Long, a demon (bass) – Ah-Hsiu, vixen (soprano) – Liang-Kung, vixen (mezzo-soprano) – Listeners (female choir), demons (male choir)
Orchestra: 3 (2 picc., alto fl.), 3 (Engl. horn), 2 (bass clar.), 2 (contrabassoon) – 2, 2, 2, 1 – hp. – timp., 5 perc. – strings – stage music: 3 Korean Chwago drums
WP: Kiel, 20 June 1971
Hans Zender (cond.), Harro Dicks (director), Ekkehard Grübler (stage design / costumes)
Duration: 130 minutes
Score, *Vocal Score, *Libretto
26 Sim Tjong (1971-72)
Korean Legend in two acts with prelude and interlude.
Libretto by Harald Kunz
Roles: Sim Tjong, a born-again angel (lyr. soprano) – Sim, her earthly father (baritone) – Li, her earthly and Ok-tjin, her heavenly mother (lyr. soprano) – Paengdok, a neighbour (alto) – mendicant monk (bass) – emperor (baritone) – ship’s patron (bass) – captain (baritone) – Park, a youthful lover (tenor) – 2 Bosales = Boddhisattvas (tenor, alto) – 3 women at the well (soprano, Mezzo-soprano, alto) – Doorman (bass) – Cook (mezzo-soprano) – Old and young sailor (bass, tenor) – 5 brides of the Dragon King (soprano) – Dragon King (5 basses) – 2 courtiers (tenor, baritone) – Celestials, sailors, court (mixed choir). Double and multiple castings are possible.
Orchestra: 3 (2 picc., alto fl.), 3 (Ebgl. horn), 2 (bass clar.), 3 (contrabassoon) – 4, 4, 3, 1 – hp. – timp., 3 perc., strings
WP: München, 1 August 1972, Bayerische Staatsoper
Wolfgang Sawallisch (cond.), Günther Rennert (director), Jürgen Rose (stage design / costums)
Duration: 110 minutes
Score, *Vocal Score, *Libretto
B. Choral Works
10 Om mani padme hum (1964)
Cycle for Soloists [Soprano, Baritone], Choir and Orchestra
Text from the speeches of Gotamo Buddha compiled by Wolf D. Rogosky after the translation by Karl E. Neumann
I. Lotos Blossom [instr.], II. Gotamo, questioned [soprano, choir]; III. Thirst [instr.]; IV. Entwerden / Nirvanishing [bar., soprano, choir]; V. To the Nirvana [soprano, choir].
Orchestra: 3 fl. (also picc.), 2 ob., Engl. horn, 2 clar. in B (2. also bass clar.), bassoon, contrabassoon – 2, 2, 1, 1 (bass tube) – timp., 5 perc. – 2 hp., celesta – strings
WP: Hanover, 30 January 1965, Tage der Neuen Musik
Sigrid Schmidt (soprano), Lothar Ostenburg (baritone), NDR-Chor, Orchestra of NDR Hanover, Francis Travis (cond.)
Duration: 26 minutes
*Study Score
20 Ein Schmetterlingstraum / A Butterfly Dream for mixed choir with percussion ad libitum (1968-69)
Chinese text by Ma Chi-Yuan (14th century)
WP: Hamburg, 8 May 1969
NDR-Chor, Helmut Franz
Duration: 9 minutes
The work is derived from numbers 1 and 7 of the opera Butterfly’s Widow (1967-68), extended by a newly composed middle section and supplemented by the percussion part in the final section.
*Study Score
31 Vom Tao / From the Tao (1972-82)
Choirs from the opera Sim Tjong after texts by Harald Kunz for choir, organ and percussion (organ part: Zsigmond Szathmáry)
Instruments: perc.: 2 tam-tams, 4 cymbals, marimba, xylophone, tom-tom, 4 wood blocks, 3 temple blocks, large drum, 2 bundles of bells, 3 gongs – timpani
WP: Hamburg, 21 May 1976
NDR-Chor, Zsigmond Szathmáry (organ), Klaus Martin Ziegler (cond.)
WP of the version extended in 1982: Vienna, 6 November 1986
ORF-Chor, Roman Summereder (organ), Erwin Ortner (cond.)
Duration: 8 minutes
For the concert version of the four choirs, Isang Yun wrote new interludes for organ; the choral part was simplified compared with the opera version. Zsigmond Szathmáry arranged the accompanying organ parts according to the original score of the opera.
36 An der Schwelle / On the Threshold (1975)
Sonnets by Albrecht Haushofer for baritone, female choir, organ and further instruments
Texts: Sonnets “An der Schwelle” [On the Threshold] + “Enfesselung” from Haushofer’s Moabiter Sonette (1944/45), Old Testament (Isaiah 41,10), New Testament (Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians 12, 9-10)
Videoclip 1: “An der Schwelle” + Isaiah 41,10
Videoclip 2: + Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians
Instruments: organ, flute, oboe, trumpet, trombone, percussion (2 players)
WP: Kassel, 5 April 1975, Kirche St. Martin
William Pearson (baritone), Peter Schwarz (organ), Klaus Martin Ziegler (cond.)
Duration: 17 minutes
*Full Score
44 Der weise Mann / The Wise Man (1977)
Cantata for baritone, choir and small orchestra based on texts by the preacher Solomon and Laotse (text compiled by Walter Böttcher)
Instruments: 1 (alto fl.), 1, 0, 0 – 1, 1, 1, 0 – hp. – 2 perc. – strings
WP: Berlin (Deutschlandhalle), 9 June 1977, 17th Deutscher Evangelischer Kirchentag
Carl-Heinz Müller (baritone), Kammerchor Ernst Senff, Peter Schwarz
Duration: 26 minutes
Full Score (manuscript) • Vocal Score, arr. by Holger Groschopp
54 „O Licht …“. Eight-part mixed choir with solo violin and percussion (1981)
Text after Nelly Sachs and a prayer of Buddhism
Videoclips: beginning – extract
Percussion: 3 gongs, large drum, small drum, 2 tam-tams, 3 tomtoms, vibraphone
WP: Nürnberg, 21 June 1981, Internationale Orgelwoche
Akiko Tatsumi (violin), Siegfried Fink / Rainer Römer (percussion), Choir of the Süddeutsche Rundfunk, Marinus Voorberg (cond.)
Duration: 16 minutes
*Full Score
57 „Der Herr ist mein Hirte“ (1981)
Four-part mixed choir with trombone solo
Text after the 23rd Psalm and Nelly Sachs
WP: Stuttgart, 14 November 1982
Armin Rosin (trombone), Württembergischer Kammerchor, Dieter Kurz
Duration: 19 minutes
*Full Score • *Trombone Part
77 „Naui Dang, Naui Minjokiyo!“ [„My Country, My People!“] (1986/87)
Korean Cantata for soloists, choir and orchestra
on poems by eleven South Korean authors
I. Roksa [History]; II. / III. Hyon-shil I / II [Present I / II]; IV. Mi-rae [Future]
Orchestra: 4 (2 picc.), 4 (Engl. horn), 4 (bass clar.), 4 (contrabassoon) – 6, 4, 3, 1 – timp., perc. – strings
WP: Pyongyang, 5 October 1987
State Choir and State Symphony Orchestra of the People’s Republic of Korea, Byung-Hwa Kim
Duration: 45 minutes
Study Score
112a Epilogue for soprano solo, three-part women’s choir and five instruments (1994)
Text: Phonemes (partly with a hidden meaning)
Five instruments: flute, oboe, celesta, violin, cello
WP: Tokyo, 9 May 1995, Suntory Hall
Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra & Tokyo Ladies Singers, Tsugio Maeda (cond.)
Duration: ca. 6 minutes (duration Engel in Flammen / Angel in Flames with Epilogue: ca. 22 minutes)
The Epilogue to the orchestra piece Angel in Flames (1994) can also be performed separately.
*Full Score (incl. orchestral piece) • Choral Score
C. Vocal solo with accompaniment
K Five Songs for high voice and piano (1941-48)
Kop‘ung ŭisang [Old Costumes] (Cho Chi-hun, 1948)
Talmuri [Moon Court] (Park Mok-wŏl, 1948)
Kŭne [The Swing] (Kim Sang-ok, 1947)
P’yŏnji [Der Letter] (Kim Sang-ok, 1941)
Nagune [A Stranger / The Wanderer] (Park Mok-wŏl, 1948)
The first publication appeared in Pusan in 1949 under the title Talmuri and contained as number 4 an additional song: Chungmuga [Song for Chungmu] (Lee Sung-Ja, 1948). It was not included in the re-publication in P’yŏngyang in 1990 and in Seoul (Yae-um Foundation) in 1994.
A collection of early songs, including the Five Songs, appeared in an edition that was initiated by Sngkn Kim with the help of Radio MBC Masan for the Tongyeong Music Festival 2003.
Otherwise songs of Isang Yun have repeatedly been published in various song anthologies in Korea after 1945.
The re-release of the Five Songs was licensed from Bote & Bock / Boosey & Hawkes, Berlin.
Various orchestral versions of these Five Songs have been written by third parties.
21a Schamanengesänge
from the opera Geisterliebe after texts by Harald Kunz (1969-70) for alto solo and chamber orchestra arranged by Erwin Koch-Raphael (1977)
Orchestra: 2 (picc., alto fl.), 2 (cor Angl.), 0, 2 (contrabassoon) – 2, 0, 1, 0 – timp., perc. – strings
WP: Berlin, 16 December 1977, Kunsthalle
Gabriele Schreckenbach (alto), Fritz Weisse (cond.)
Duration: 9 minutes
Score (manuscript)
23 Namo for three sopranos and large orchestra (1971)
Text in Sanskrit after prayers of Mahayana-Buddhism
1975: version with one soprano and orchestra
Orchestra: 3 (2 picc.), 3, 0, bass clar., 3 (contrabassoon) – 4, 0, 3, 1 – timp., 6 perc. – strings (
WP: Berlin, 4 May 1971, Musik der Gegenwart
Dorothy Dorow, Maria de Francesca, Slavka Taskova, Radio-Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, Michael Gielen
WP with one soprano (1975): Münster, 19 (?) May 1976
Ingrid Frauchiger, Symphonieorchester der Stadt Münster, Alfred Walter
Duration: 20 Minuten
Score (manuscript)
27 Gagok for voice, guitar and percussion (1972)
Text: sinokorean (sound) syllables
Percussion: 2 triangles, 4 gongs, glockenspiel, 2 hand bells, korean whip “Bak”, 2 small cymbals, 4 cymbals, 5 temple blocks, 5 tomtoms, 2 bundles of bells
WP: Barcelona, 25 October 1972, Festival internacional
Claudia Behrend (voice), Siegfried Behrend (guitar), Siegfried Fink (perc.)
Duration: 7 minutes
*3 Playing Scores
*1974: version for voice and guitar by Siegfried Behrend
*1985: version for voice and harp by Isang Yun
27a Gagok for voice and guitar (1974)
Arranged by Siegfried Behrend.
Behrend integrated the bass of the percussion part as far as possible into the guitar part; the singing voice remained unchanged. He has written down the guitar part in two systems, so that a performance with two guitarists is also possible. In addition to the guitarist’s shouts, he also endeavoured to integrate the drummer’s shouts into the guitar part, notated fingerings etc.
27b Gagok for voice and harp (1985)
WP: Berlin, 8 November 1995, Project “Asia – Korea – Yun” of the Isang Yun International Society
Norma Enns (soprano), Marion Hofmann (harp)
Duration: 7 – 8 minutes
The vocal part is identical with Gagok for voice, guitar and percussion (1972), the harp part an arrangement Isang Yun composed in 1985.
33 Memory for three voices with percussion (1974)
Chinesise Text: Du Mu (803-852)
Instruments: percussion instruments (to be played by the singers): table bell, cymbals, claves, temple block, cymbals, hyoshigi, 2 maracas, triangle
WP: Rome, 3. May 1974
Carla Henius, Gisela Kontarsky, William Pearson
Duration: 12 minutes
Score (manuscript)
52 Teile dich Nacht. Three poems by Nelly Sachs for soprano and chamber ensemble (1980)
Videoclips: 1-beginning | 2-excerpt
Video Score: complete
Instruments: fl., ob., clar., bassoon, hr., perc., harp (or piano), strings (simple or choral)
WP: Witten, 26 April 1981, Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik
Dorothy Dorow, Ensemble Intégration Saarbrücken, Hans Zender (cond.)
Duration: 12 minutes
*Full Score
80 Symphony V in five movements for large orchestra with baritone solo after poems by Nelly Sachs (1987)
Mouvements: I. Erinnerung [Memory]; II. Wir Geretten – Ihr Zuschauenden 1 [We the Saved – You who Watch 1]; III. Aufruf [Appeal]; IV. Wir Geretten – Ihr Zuschauenden 2 [We the Saved – You who Watch 2]; V. Frieden [Peace]
Orchestra: 3 (picc., alto fl.), 2 (cor Angl.), 2 (bass clar.), 2 (contrabassoon) – 4, 2, 3, 1 – timp., 4 perc. – 2 hp. – strings
WP: Berlin, 17 September 1987, Berliner Festwochen, Philharmonie
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Berliner Philharmonisches Orchester, Hans Zender
Duration: 56 minutes
*Study Score
D. Orchestra
4 Bara for orchestra [in four parts] (1960)
Videoclips: beginning | middle and end of the first part
Orchestra: 2 (picc.), 1, 1, 1 – 2, 1, 1, 1 – timp., 2 perc. – strings
WP: Berlin, 19 January 1962, Musik der Gegenwart
Radio-Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, Francis Travis
Duration: 11 minutes
*Study Score
5 Symphonische Szene / Symphonic Scene (1960/61)
Videoclip: excerpt
Orchestra: 3 (picc.) 2, 2, bass clar., 2, contrabassoon – 4, 3, 2, 1 – hp., pno., celesta – timp., 4 perc. – strings
WP: Darmstadt, 7 September 1961
Sinfonieorchester des Hessischen Rundfunks, Michael Gielen
Duration: 14 Minuten
*Study Score
6 Colloïdes sonores for ten solo strings or string orchestra (1961)
Videoclips: I. Hogung – II. Gomungo – III. Yanggum
Strings: 4, 0, 2, 2, 2 (ten individual parts)
WP: Hamburg, 12 December 1961, das neue werk
NDR-Sinfonie-Orchester, Sixten Ehrling
Duration: 16 minutes
We recommend the performance with ten solo strings.
*Study Score
11 Fluktuationen / Fluctuations for orchestra (1964)
Videoclips: bar 60–100 | bar 111–140 | complete
Orchestra: 2 (picc.), 2, 2 (bass clar.), 2 (contrabassoon) – 4, 3, 2, 0 – hp. – timp., 4 perc. – strings
WP: Berlin, 10 February 1965, Musik der Gegenwart
Radio-Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, Peter Ronnefeld
Duration: 13 minutes
*Study Score
14 Réak for large orchestra (1966)
Videoclips: 1-beginning | 2-end
Orchestra: 3 (2 picc., alto fl.), 3 (cor Angl.), 3 (bass clar.), 2, 1 Contrabassoon – 4, 3, 2, 1 – 2 hp. – timp., 4 perc. – strings
WP: Donaueschingen, 23 October 1966
Südwestfunk-Sinfonieorchester, Ernest Bour
Duration: 13 minutes
*Study Score
24 Dimensions for large orchestra with organ solo (1971)
Orchestra: organ – 4 (2 picc.), 4, 3 (bass clar.), 3 (3rd also contrabassoon) – 4, 4, 3, 1 – timp., 3 perc. – strings
WP: Nürnberg, 22 October 1971
Peter Schwarz (organ), Nürnberger Philharmoniker, Hans Gierster
Duration: 17 minutes
Inspired by the interlude from the opera Sim Tjong (1971-72).
*Study Score
28 Konzertante Figuren / Concertante Figures for small orchestra with flute, violin and oboe (1972)
Videoclip: bar 46-82
Orchestra: flute, oboe and violin have soloistic tasks.
2 (picc., alto fl.), 2, 1, 1 – 2, 1, 1, 0 – strings (4, 0, 2, 2, 1 or 8, 0, 4, 4, 2)
WP: Hamburg, 30 November 1973, das neue werk
NDR-Sinfonieorchester, Francis Travis
Duration: 20 minutes
From the Concertante Figures emerged the Trio for Flute (Alto Flute), Oboe and Violin (1972-73).
*Study Score
32 Ouverture for large orchestra (1973; rev. 1974)
Videoclips: bar 1–33 | bar 103–132
Orchestra: 3 (2 picc.), 3, 3, 3 (Kfg.) – 4, 3, 2, 1 – timp., 2 perc. – strings
WP: Berlin, 4 October 1973, Berliner Festwochen
Berliner Philharmonisches Orchester, Hans Zender
Duration: 12 minutes
*Full Score
35 Harmonia for winds, harp (or piano) and percussion (1974)
Videclip: beginning
Orchestra: 2 (+ picc. ad lib.), 2 (+ cor Angl. ad lib.), 2 (+ 3rd clar. ad lib.), 3 – 4, 0, 0, 0, – pf. (or piano) – perc.
WP: Herford, 22 January 1975
Siegerland-Orchester, Rolf Agop
Duration: 12 minutes
*Full Score
48 Muak. Dance Fantasy for large orchestra (1978)
Videoclips: bar 1–15 | bar 68–123 | bar 152–175
Orchestra: 3 (picc.), 3, 3, 3 – 4, 3, 2, 1 – timp., 2 perc. – strings
WP: Mönchengladbach, 9 November 1978
Niederrheinische Sinfoniker, Lothar Zagrosek
Duration: 17 minutes
*Full Score
50 Fanfare & Memorial for orchestra (1979)
Videoclips: 1-beginning | 2-excerpt
Orchestra: 3 (picc.), 3, 3, 3 – 4, 3, 3, 1 – timp., 2 perc. – harp (solo!) – strings
WP: Münster, 18 September 1979
Symphonieorchester der Stadt Münster, Alfred Walter
Duration: 13 minutes
The harp and the solo flute have solistic tasks.
*Study Score
53 Exemplum in memoriam Kwangju for large orchestra (1981)
Orchestra: 3 (picc.), 3, 3, 3 – 4, 4, 3, 1 – 2 timp., 3 perc. – strings
WP: Cologne, 8 May 1981
WDR-Sinfonie-Orchester, Hiroshi Wakasugi
Duration: 22 minutes
*Full Score
59 Symphony I in four movements (1982-83)
Orchestra: 4 (2 picc.), 4 (cor Angl.), 4 (bass clar.), 4 (contrabassoon) – 6, 4, 3, 1 – timp., 3-4 perc. – hp. – strings
WP: Berlin, 15 May 1984, Philharmonie
Berliner Philharmonisches Orchester, Reinhard Peters
Duration: 45 minutes
*Study Score
67 Symphony II in three movements (1984)
Orchestra: 2 (picc.), 2 (cor Angl.), 2, 2 – 4, 2, 2, 1 – timp., 2 perc. – strings
WP: Berlin, 9 December 1984, Philharmonie
Radio-Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, Jésus López Cobos
Duration: 32 minutes
*Study Score
69 Symphony III in one movement (1985)
Videoclip: beginning
Orchestra: 2 (2 picc.), 2, 2 (bass clar.), 2 (contrabassoon) – 4, 3, 2, 1 – timp., 2 perc. – harp – strings
WP: Berlin, 26 September 1985, Philharmonie
Rundfunk-Symphonieorchester Saarbrücken, Myung-Whun Chung
Duration: 24 minutes
*Study Score
73 Symphony IV „Im Dunkeln singen“ / “Singing in the Dark” in two movements (1986)
Videoclips: First Mvt. (last bar) – Second Mvt. (beginning) | Also complete work as video score
Orchestra: 3 (picc., alto fl.), 3 (cor Angl.), 3 (bass clar.), 3 (contrabassoon) – 5, 3, 3, 1 – timp., 3 perc. – strings
WP: Tokyo, 13 November 1986, Suntory Hall
Tokyo Metropolitan Orchestra, Hiroyuki Iwaki
Duration: 33 minutes
*Study Score
80 Symphony V in five movements for large orchestra with baritone solo after poems by Nelly Sachs (1987)
I. Erinnerung [Memory]; II. Wir Geretten – Ihr Zuschauenden 1 [We the Saved – You who Watch 1]; III. Aufruf [Appeal]; IV. Wir Geretten – Ihr Zuschauenden 2 [We the Saved – You who Watch 2]; V. Frieden [Peace]
Orchestra: 3 (picc., alto fl.), 2 (cor Angl.), 2 (bass clar.), 2 (contrabassoon) – 4, 2, 3, 1 – timp., 4 perc. – 2 hp. – strings
WP: Berlin, 17 September 1987, Berliner Festwochen, Philharmonie
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Berliner Philharmonisches Orchester, Hans Zender
Duration: 56 minutes
*Study Score
71 Mugung-Dong. Invocation for Winds, Percussion and Double Basses (1986)
Instruments: 3, 3, 3, 3 – 4, 3, 3, 1 – timp., 2 perc. – 4-8 double basses
WP: Hamburg, 22 June 1986, Musikhalle
Ensemble Modern, Hans Zender (cond.)
Duration: 12 minutes
*Full Score
76 Impression for small orchestra (1986)
Orchestra: 2 (picc., alto fl.), 2, 1, bass clar., 1 – 1, 1, 1, 0 – hp. – 2 perc. – strings
WP: Frankfurt am Main, 9. Februar 1987, Alte Oper
Ensemble Modern, Hans Zender (cond.)
Duration: 13 minutes
*Full Score
81 Tapis pour Cordes (1987)
String quintet (1, 1, 1, 1, 1) or string orchestra
WP: Mannheim, 20 November 1987, Kunsthalle
Ensemble “das neue werk”, Hans Darmstadt (cond.)
Duration: 8 minutes
*Score & Parts
83 Chamber Symphony I (1987)
Orchestra: two oboes, two horns, string orchestra (1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
WP: Gütersloh, 18 February 1988
Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie, Yoram David
Duration: 24 minutes
*Full Score
91 Chamber Symphony II “To the victims of freedom” (1989)
Orchestra: 1 (picc.), 1, 1, bass clar., 1 – 2, 1, 1, 0 – 1 – 2 perc. – pf., piano – strings
WP: Frankfurt am Main, 6 September 1989, Alte Oper
Ensemble Modern, Lothar Zagrosek (cond.)
Duration: 33 minutes
*Full Score
95 Konturen / Contures for large orchestra (1989)
Video Score: complete
Orchestra: 3 (picc.), 3, 3, 3 – 4, 3, 3, 1 – timp., 2 perc. – strings
WP: Braunschweig, 18 March 1990
Städtisches Orchester Braunschweig, Stefan Soltész
Duration: 24 minutes
*Full Score
104 Silla. Legend for orchestra (1992)
Orchestra: 2 (picc.), 2 (cor Angl.), 2 (bass clar.), 2 (contrabassoon) – 4, 2, 1, 0 – timp., 2 perc. – hp. – strings
WP: Hanover, 5 October 1992, Opernhaus
Niedersächsisches Staatsorchester, George Alexander Albrecht
Duration: 16 minutes
*Full Score
112 Engel in Flammen / Angel in Flames. Memento for orchestra with Epilogue for soprano solo, three-part woman’s choir and five instruments (1994)
Orchestra: 2 (picc.), 2 (cor Angl.), 2, 2 – 4, 2, 2, 1 – timp., 2 perc. – hp. – strings
Epilogue: soprano solo, three-part woman’s choir, flute, oboe, celesta, violin, violoncello
WP: Tokyo, 9 May 1995, Suntory Hall
Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra & Tokyo Ladies Singers, Tsugio Maeda Duration: 22 minutes (16′ plus 6′)
The orchestral piece may only be performed with the attacca following Epilogue. The Epilogue can also be performed separately.
*Full Score, Choral Score
E. Solo Instrument(s) and Orchestra
39 Concerto for Violoncello and Orchestra (1975-76)
Videoclip: “second monologue”
Orchestra: 2 (2 picc., alto fl.), 2, 2 (bass clar.), 2 (contrabassoon) – 3, 2, 2, 0 – timp., 2 perc. – strings
WP: Royan, 25 March 1976, Festival international
Siegfried Palm, Orchestre Philharmonique des Pays de la Loire, Friedrich Cerha
Duration: 24 minutes
*Study Score • *Solo Cello Part
43 Concerto for Flute and Small Orchestra (1977)
Videoclip: beginning
Orchestra: 1, 2, 2, 2 – 2, 0, 0, 0 – 2 perc. – strings
WP: Hitzacker, 30 July 1977, Sommerliche Musiktage
Karlheinz Zoeller (flute), Günther Weißenborn (cond.)
Duration: 22 minutes
*Full Score
Version for Flute, Percussion and Piano by Holger Groschopp
*Version for Flute and Piano by Holger Groschopp
45 Concerto for Oboe and Harp with Small Orchester (1977)
Videoclips: bar 1-15 bar 95-135 bar 136-146 bar 187-208
Orchestra: 2 (2 picc.), 1, 2, 2 – 2, 1, 1, 0 – 2 perc. – strings
WP: Berlin, 26 September 1977, Philharmonie
Heinz and Ursula Holliger, musicians from Berlin orchestras, Francis Travis
Duration: 34 minutes
*Full Score
55 Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 1 in three movements (1981)
Videoscore: complete
The second movement (Adagio) may also be performed separately.
Orchestra: 2 (picc.), 2, 2, 2 – 2, 2, 1, 1 – tim., 2 perc. – hp. – strings
WP (I. and II. Adagio): Frankfurt am Main, 29 April 1982, Alte Oper
Akiko Tatsumi, Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester Frankfurt, Eliahu Inbal
WP (complete: mvts. I-III): Frankfurt am Main, 25 November 1982, Hessischer Rundfunk
Akiko Tatsumi, Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester Frankfurt, Zdeněk Mácal
Duration: 38 minutes
*Full Score
56 Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra (1981)
Solo: B-Clarinet and Bass Clarinet.
Orchestra: 2 (picc.), 1, 1, 1 – 2, 1, 1, 0 – timp., 2 perc. – piano – strings
WP: Munich, 29 January 1982, Musica viva
Eduard Brunner, Symphonie-Orchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Patrick Thomas
Duration: 21 minutes
*Full Score
64 Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 2 (1983-86)
Videoscore: complete
Orchestra: 2 (picc.), 2, 2, 2 – 4, 2, 2, 1 – timp., 2 perc. – hp. – strings
I. Festive Prelude (1984)
WP: Siegen, 30 March 1984
Akiko Tatsumi, Südwestfälische Philharmonie, Rolf Agop
II. Dialogue Butterfly – Atomic Bomb (1983)
WP: Tokyo, 8 July 1983
Akiko Tatsumi, Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, Hiroyuki Iwaki
III. Adagio and Finale (1986)
WP (I.-III.): Stuttgart, 20 January 1987, Liederhalle
Akiko Tatsumi, Stuttgarter Philharmoniker, Wolf-Dieter Hauschild
Duration: 33 minutes (9′, 10′, 14′)
The movements can also be performed separately.
*Full Score
68 Gong-Hu for harp and strings (1984)
Strings: quintet (1, 1, 1, 1, 1) or string orchestra
WP: Lucerne, 22 August 1985
Ursula Holliger, Camerata Bern, Heinz Holliger (cond.)
Duration: 19 minutes
*Full Score
82 Duetto concertante for oboe / cor Anglais, violoncello and strings (1987)
Strings: quintet (1, 1, 1, 1, 1) or string orchestra
WP: Rottweil, 8 November 1987
Ingo und Johannes Goritzki, Deutsche Kammerakademie Neuss
WP with Clarinet: Zurich, 11 March 1995
Eduard Brunner, Walter Grimmer, Zürcher Kammerorchester
Duration: 18 minutes
*Full Score
98 Concerto for Oboe / Oboe d’amore and Orchestra (1990)
Orchestra: 2 (picc.), 1, 2, 1 – 2, 1, 2, 1 – timp., 2 perc. – hp. – strings
WP: Berlin, 19 September 1991, Berliner Festwochen, KMS der Philharmonie
Heinz Holliger, Orchester der Beethovenhalle Bonn, Dennis Russell Davies
Duration: 23 minutes
*Full Score • *Version for Oboe and Piano by Holger Groschopp
103 Concerto for Violin No. 3 with Small Orchestra (1992)
Three Videoclips: bar 1-48 | bar 97-143 | bar 166-185
Orchestra: 1, 1, 1, 1 – 1, 1, 0, 0 – 2 perc. – strings
WP: Amsterdam, 22 June 1992, Holland-Festival
Vera Beths, Radio Filharmonisch Orkest, Hans Vonk
Duration: 24 minutes
*Study Score • *Version for Violin and Piano by Holger Groschopp
F. Ensemble
2 Music for Seven Instruments (1959)
Instruments: flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn, violin, violoncello
WP: Darmstadt, 4 September 1959
Hamburger Kammersolisten, Francis Travis (cond.)
Duration: 12 minutes
*Study Score
7 Loyang for chamber ensemble (1962; rev. 1964)
Instruments: flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon – harp, 2 perc. – violin, violoncello (strings solo or double)
WP: Hanover, 23 January 1964, Tage der Neuen Musik
Studio-Orchester der Jeunesse Musicale, Klaus Bernbacher
Duration: 15 Minuten
*Study Score
41 Pièce concertante for chamber ensemble (1976)
Videoclips: bar 1-56 | complete
Instruments: flute (alto fl.), clarinet (bass clar.) – piano – perc. – violin, viola, violoncello, double bass
WP: Hamburg, 15 June 1976
Ensemble “das neue werk”, Peter Roggenkamp (piano), Dieter Cichewiecz (cond.)
Duration: 15 minutes
*Full Score
47 Octet (1978)
Videoclips: beginning | slow middle section
Instruments: clar. (bass clar.), bassoon, horn – strings (1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
WP: Paris, 10 April 1978
Ensemble 2E2M, Paul Méfano (cond.)
Duration: 16 minutes
*Full Score
52 Teile dich Nacht. Three poems by Nelly Sachs for soprano and chamber ensemble (1980)
Videoclips: 1-beginning | 2-excerpt
Video Score: complete
Instruments: fl., ob., clar., bassoon, hr., perc., harp (or piano), strings
WP: Witten, 26 April 1981, Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik
Dorothy Dorow, Ensemble Intégration Saarbrücken, Hans Zender (cond.)
Duration: 12 minutes
*Full Score
86 Distanzen / Distances for wind and string quintet (1988)
Videoclip (beginning): bar 1-53
Instruments: 1, 1, 1, 1 – 1, 0, 0, 0 – strings (1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
WP: Berlin, 9 October 1988, Berliner Festwochen, KMS der Philharmonie
Scharoun Ensemble, Heinz Holliger (cond.)
Duration: 16 minutes
*Full Score
96 Chamber Concerto I / Kammerkonzert I (1990)
Videoclip (middle section): bar 61-108
Instruments: 1 (picc.), 1, 1, 1 – 1, 1, 1, 0 – perc. – strings
WP: Amsterdam, 16 June 1990, Holland Festival
Schönberg-Ensemble, Reinbert de Leeuw (cond.)
Duration: 18 minutes
*Full Score
97 Chamber Concerto II / Kammerkonzert II (1990)
Instruments: oboe (E.-H.) – bassoon – piano – perc. – viola, violoncello, double bass
WP Broadcast: Berlin (Nalepastraße), 21 October 1990, Deutschlandsender Kultur
WP Concert: Leipzig, 26 November 1990, Gewandhaus
Guppe Neue Musik “Hanns Eisler” (Burkhard Glaetzner, oboe; Friedrich Schenker, tombone)
Duration: 13 minutes
*Full Score
110 Wind Octet with Double Bass ad libitum (Bläseroktett) (1994)
Videoclips: beginning | slow middle section | complete
Instruments: 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 horns, double bass ad lib.
WP: Stuttgart, 19 February 1995
Stuttgarter Bläserakademie
Duration: 18 minutes
*Full Score
G. Chamber Music
- G.1 Six to Eight Instruments
- G.2 Five Instruments
- G.3 Four Instruments
- G.4 Three Instruments
- G.5 Two Instruments
22 Music for Seven Instruments (1959)
Instruments: flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn, violin, violoncello
WP: Darmstadt, 4 September 1959
Hamburger Kammersolisten, Francis Travis (cond.)
Duration: 12 minutes
*Study Score
47 Octet (1978)
Videoclips: beginning | slow middle section
Instruments: clar. (bass clar.), bassoon, horn – strings (1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
WP: Paris, 10 April 1978
Ensemble 2E2M, Paul Méfano (cond.)
Duration: 16 minutes
*Full Score
68 Gong-Hu for harp and strings (1984)
Strings: quintet (1, 1, 1, 1, 1) or string orchestra
WP: Lucerne, 22 August 1985
Ursula Holliger, Camerata Bern, Heinz Holliger (cond.)
Duration: 19 minutes
*Full Score
82 Duetto concertante for oboe / cor Anglais, violoncello and strings (1987)
Strings: quintet (1, 1, 1, 1, 1) or string orchestra
WP: Rottweil, 8 November 1987
Ingo und Johannes Goritzki, Deutsche Kammerakademie Neuss
WP with Clarinet: Zurich, 11 March 1995
Eduard Brunner, Walter Grimmer, Zürcher Kammerorchester
Duration: 18 minutes
*Full Score
110 Wind Octet with Double Bass ad libitum (1994)
Videoclips: beginning | slow middle section | complete
Instruments: 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 horns, double bass ad lib.
WP: Stuttgart, 19 February 1995
Stuttgarter Bläserakademie
Duration: 18 minutes
*Full Score
61 Concertino for Accordion and String Quartet (1983)
WP: Trossingen, 6. November 1983
“Trossinger Musiktage für zeitgenössische Akkordeonmusik”
Hugo Noth (accordion), Joachim-Quartett
Duration: 17 minutes
*Score & Parts • *String Parts
66 Quintet for Clarinet and String Quartet No. 1 (1984)
Videoclip: beginning
WP: Kusatsu / Japan, 24 August 1984
Eduard Brunner, Tatsumi-Quartett
Duration: 11 minutes
Version with Flute solo by Hans-Peter Dott (1986)
*Score & Parts
75 Quintet for Flute and String Quartet (1986)
In three movements: Moderato; Adagio; Allegro
WP: Paris, 17 January 1987, Radio France
Pierre-Yves Artaud, Arditti Quartet
Duration: 24 minutes
*Full Score • *Parts
81 Tapis pour Cordes (1987)
Strings: quintet (1, 1, 1, 1, 1) or string orchestra
WP: Mannheim, 20 November 1987, Kunsthalle
Ensemble “das neue werk”, Hans Darmstadt (cond.)
Duration: 8 Minuten
*Score & Parts
89 Festlicher Tanz / Festive Dance for wind quintet (1988)
Instruments: flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon
WP: Witten, 22 April 1989, Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik
Duration: 8 minutes
*Score & Parts
100 Bläserquintett I + II / Wind Quintet I + II (1991)
Instruments: flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon
WP: Altenhof, 6 August 1991, Schleswig-Holstein-Musik-Festival
Duration: 17 minutes
Each of the two pieces may also be performed separately.
*Full Score • *Score & Parts
113 Quintet for Clarinet and String Quartet No. 2 (1994)
WP: Berlin, 26 Sept. 1995, Berliner Festwochen, KMS der Philharmonie
Eduard Brunner, Sibelius-Quartett
Duration: 21 minutes
*Score & Parts
K String Quartet I in three movements (1955)
I. Allegro moderato; II. Andante phantastique; III. Allegro
Videoclips: I. Mvt. (bar 20-33) – II. Mvt. (bar 1-25) – III. Mvt. (bar 31-41)
WP: Seoul, 26 February 1955
Duration: 35 minutes
The work was withdrawn at the time of the composition of String Quartet III, but has been performed again after several years of Yun’s death.
First print: Society for Native Cultural Research, Seoul / Pusan 1955
New edition: Internationale Isang Yun Gesellschaft / Boosey & Hawkes, Berlin 2017
*Full Score & Parts (Berlin: Boosey & Hawkes 2015. New Edition)
3 String Quartet III in three movements (1959; rev. 1961)
Videoscore: Playlist (complete)
WP: Cologne, 15 June 1960, IGNM-Fest
Novák Quartet
Duration: 16 minutes
The second movement was withdrawn before the premiere and recomposed in 1961.
*Study Score • *Parts
19 Images for flute, oboe, violin and violoncello (1968)
Videoclips: Part 1 (beginning) – Part 2 (beginning) – Complete
WP: Oakland / California, 24 March 1969, Mill‘s College
Mill’s College New Music Ensemble
Duration: 20 minutes
*Study Score • *Parts
51 Novellette for flute (alto flute) and harp, ad libitum with violin and violoncello (or viola) (1980)
It is possible to use several string players per part.
Ohtherwise Novellette may also be performed as a Duo for Flute and Harp.
Videoclip: “second main part” (bar 101-161)
WP: Bremen, 5 February 1981
Beate-Gabriela Schmitt (flute), Ursula Holliger (harp), Akiko Tatsumi (violin), Walter Grimmer (violoncello)
Duration: 14 minutes
*Full Score • *Parts (Violin, Viola) • *Parts (Violin, Cello) • *Solo Part (Flute)
74 Quartet for Flutes (1986)
Videoclip from the forth and final part
Instruments (four players): 2 picc., 4 flutes, 2 alto flutes, 2 bass flutes
WP: Berlin, 27 August 1986, Berliner Festwochen, Musikinstrumenten-Museum
Dagmar Becker, Renate Greiss-Armin, Gaby van Riet-Pas, Roswitha Staege
Duration: 16 minutes
*Score & 1 Playing Score • *3 Playing Scores
85 Quartet for Flute, Violin, Violoncello and Piano (1988)
Video: complete
WP: Münster, 26 May 1989
Hartmut Gerhold (flute), Katrin Rabus (violin), Michael Denhoff (cello), Ulrich Meckies (piano)
Duration: 15 minutes (without Intermezzo); 22 minutes (with Intermezzo)
Isang Yun composed the Intermezzo for violoncello and accordion or piano or organ (1988) as a quiet “insertion” for this work. When performing the quartet with Intermezzo, the latter should be inserted with Attacca connection. In this case the piano is preferable to the accordion.
*Score & Parts
87 String Quartet IV in two movements (1988)
Videoscore: complete
WP: Würzburg, 28 November 1988
Duration: 22 minutes
*Full Score • *Score & Parts
99 String Quartet V in one movement (1990)
WP: Isselstein / Holland, 14 July 1991, Orlando-Festival
Duration: 16 minutes
*Full Score • *Score & Parts
102 String Quartet VI in four movements (1992)
Videolink (complete work): I. Pesante – II. Giocoso – III. Lamentoso – IV. Animato
WP: Basel, 7 April 1992
Duration: 24 minutes
*Full Score • *Score & Parts
105 Quartet for Horn, Trumpet, Trombone and Piano (1992)
WP: Berlin, 16 September 1992, Berliner Festwochen, KMS der Philharmonie
Memvbers of the Schönberg-Ensemble Amsterdam
Duration: 8 minutes
*Score & Parts
114 Quartet for Oboe, Violin, Viola and Violoncello (1994)
WP: Vienna, 7 November 1995, Musikverein
Heinz Holliger, Christian Altenburger, Kim Kashkashian, Patrick Demenga
Duration: 16 minutes
*Score & Parts
K Trio for Violin, Violoncello and Piano (1955)
Four movements: I. Allegro con brio; II. Andante; III. Scherzando; IV. Allegro molto con fuoco
WP: Seoul 1955
Society for Native Cultural Research, Seoul / Pusan 1955
27 Gagok for voice, guitar and percussion (1972)
Text: sinokorean (sound) syllables
Percussion: 2 triangles, 4 gongs, glockenspiel, 2 hand bells, korean whip “Bak”, 2 small cymbals, 4 cymbals, 5 temple blocks, 5 tomtoms, 2 bundles of bells
WP: Barcelona, 25 October 1972, Festival internacional
Claudia und Siegfried Behrend, Siegfried Fink
Duration: 7 minutes
*3 Playing Scores
*1974: version for voice and guitar by Siegfried Behrend
*1985: version for voice and harp by Isang Yun
29 Trio for Flute (Alto Flute), Oboe and Violin (1972-73)
Videoclip: extract
WP: Mannheim, 18 October 1973
Hermann Pfister, Georg Meerwein, Walter Forchert
Duration: 12 minutes
Derived (extracted and developed) from Konzertante Figuren / Concertant Figures (1972)
*Score & Parts
30 Trio for Violin, Violoncello and Piano (1972-75)
Also in a version for viola, violoncello and piano (viola part: 1976)
WP (Part I): 23 February 1973 Berlin, Akademie der Künste (Göbel-Trio: Hans Maile, René Forest, Horst Göbel)
WP (complete): 13. May 1976 Mannheim (Stuttgarter Klaviertrio: Rainer Kussmaul, Peter Hahn, Monika Leonhard)
Duration: 13 minutes
*Score & Parts (Set)
38 Rondell for oboe, clarinet and bassoon (1975)
WP: Bayreuth, 30 September 1975
Berliner Bläsertrio: Günther Passin, Hans Hartmann, Hans Lemke
Duration: 12 Minuten
*3 Playing Scores
46 Sonata for Oboe (Oboe d’amore), Harp and Viola (or Violoncello) (1979)
WP: Saarbrücken, 6 July 1979
Heinz and Ursula Holliger, Hirofumi Fukai (viola)
Duration: 29 minutes
*Full Score • *Score & Parts
72 Rencontre pour Clarinette, Harpe (ou Piano) et Violoncelle (1986)
WP: Hitzacker, 2 August 1986, Sommerliche Musiktage
Eduard Brunner (clar.), Marion Hofmann (harp), Walter Grimmer (vc.)
Duration: 16 minutes
*Score & Parts
84 Pezzo fantasioso per due strumenti con basso ad libitum (1988)
Instruments: two flutes, oboes, clarinets, violins in any combination; plus ad libitum a bass instrument (bass flute, bassoon, double bass, etc.)
WP: Chiusi, 10. Juli 1988, Teatro comunale
Elisa Cozzini (flute), Li-Na Chen (violin)
Duration: 12 minutes
*Score & Parts
106 Trio for Clarinet, Bassoon and Horn (1992)
Video Score: complete
WP: Hanover, 3 October 1992, NDR-Sendesaal
Ulf Rodenhäuser, Klaus Thunemann, Marieluise Neunecker
Duration: 10 minutes
*Score & Parts
107a Espace II for violoncello, harp and oboe ad libitum (1993)
WP: St. Blasien, 17 September 1993
Andreas Schmid (cello), Ursula Holliger (harp), Heinz Holliger (oboe)
Duration: 13 minutes
*Score & Parts
8 Gasa for violin and piano (1963)
Videoscore (Duo)
WP: Prague, 2 October 1963
Dusan Pandula (violin), Ales Bilek (piano)
Duration: 12 minutes
*Score & Violin Part. New Edition by Holger Groschopp
2008: Trio Version by Hansheinz Schneeberger for violin, piano (and celesta), cimbalom and percussion (rental). – Videoscore (Trio)
9 Garak for flute and piano (1963)
Videoclip: middle section (extract)
WP: Berlin, 11 September 1964
Karl-Bernhard Sebon (flute), Horst Göbel (piano)
Duration: 10 minutes
*Score & Flute Part
12 Nore for violoncello and piano (1964)
Videoclip: beginning
WP: Bremen, 3 May 1968, pro musica nova
Siegfried Palm, Hans Otte
Duration: 8 minutes
*Score & Cello Part
18 Riul for clarinet and piano (1968)
WP: Erlangen, 26 July 1968
Heinz Deinzer (clarinet), Werner Heider (piano)
Duration: 13 minutes
*Score & Clarinet Part
40 Duo for Viola and Piano (1976)
Videcoclips: bar 16–30 | bar 61–111 | Complete
WP: Rome, 3. May 1977
Ulrich von Wrochem, Johann G. von Wrochem
Duration: 15 minutes
*Score & Viola Part
51 Novellette for flute (alto flute) and harp, ad libitum with violin and violoncello (or viola) (1980)
Novellette may also be performed as a Duo for Flute and Harp.
Videoclip: “second main part” (bar 101-161)
WP: Bremen, 5 February 1981
Beate-Gabriela Schmitt (flute), Ursula Holliger (harp), Akiko Tatsumi (violin), Walter Grimmer (violoncello)
Duration: 14 minutes
*Full Score • *Parts (Violin, Viola) • *Parts (Violin, Cello) • *Solo Part (Flute)
62 Sonatina for two violines (1983)
Videoclips: bar 40–54 | bar 73–105 | bar 117–13
WP: Tokyo, 15 December 1983
Akiko Tatsumi, Saschko Gawriloff
Duration: 14 minutes
*2 Playing Scores
63 Inventionen [Inventions] for two oboes (1983)
I. Triller, II. Glissandi, III. Vorschläge, IV. Harmonie
WP: Witten, 29. April 1984, Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik
Burkhard Glaetzner, Ingo Goritzki
Duration: 18 Minuten
*2 Playing Scores
63a Inventionen [Inventions] for two flutes (1983-84)
Version of the Inventionen [Inventions] for two oboes (1983)
WP: Hilversum, 18 June 1988, NCRV-Radio
Rien de Reede, Thies Roorda
Duration: 18 minutes
*2 Playing Scores
65 Duo for Violoncello und Harp (1984)
Videoclips: Movement I | Movement II | Movement III
WP: Ingelheim, 27 May 1984, Internationale Tage
Ulrich Heinen (cello), Gerda Ockers (harp)
Duration: 13 minutes
*Score & Cello Part
27a Gagok für voice and guitar (1974)
Arranged by Siegfried Behrend. Behrend integrated the bass of the percussion part as far as possible into the guitar part; the singing voice remained unchanged. He has written down the guitar part in two systems, so that a performance with two guitarists is also possible. In addition to the guitarist’s shouts, he also endeavoured to integrate the drummer’s shouts into the guitar part, notated fingerings etc.
27b Gagok for voice and harp (1985)
WP: Berlin, 8 November 1995, Project “Asia – Korea – Yun” by Isang Yun International Society
Norma Enns (soprano), Marion Hofmann (harp)
Duration: 7 – 8 minutes
The vocal part is identical with Gagok for voice, guitar and percussion (1972), the harp part an arrangement Isang Yun composed in 1985.
84 Pezzo fantasioso per due strumenti, ad libitum con basso (1988)
Instruments: two flutes, oboes, clarinets, violins in any combination; plus ad libitum a bass instrument (bass flute, bassoon, double bass, etc.)
WP: Chiusi, 10. Juli 1988, Teatro comunale
Elisa Cozzini (flute), Li-Na Chen (violin)
Duration: 12 minutes
*Score & Parts
85a Intermezzo for violoncello and accordion (or piano or organ) (1988)
WP: Avignon, 6 October 1988
Gerhard Hamann (violoncello), Hugo Noth (accordion)
Duration: 7 minutes
This separately published work was originally written as a quiet part within the Quartet for Flute, Violin, Violoncello and Piano (1988). The Quartet may also be performed without Intermezzo as well as the Intermezzo can be performed seprately.
88 Contemplation for two violas (1988)
Video: complete
WP: Berlin, 9 October 1988, Berliner Festwochen, KMS der Philharmonie
Eckart Schloifer, Brett Dean
Duration: 11 minutes
*2 Playing Scores
92 Kleines Doppelkonzert / Little Double Concerto. Duo for Oboe and Harp (1977; 1988)
WP: Kirche St. Matthäus Berlin, 7 May 2011 (A concert of the Isang Yun International Society)
Vilém Veverka (oboe), Katerina Englichová (harp)
Duration: ca. 19 minutes
This composition emerged from the Double Concerto for oboe and harp with small orchestra (1977), dedicated to Ursula and Heinz Holliger.
93 Rufe / Calls for oboe and harp (1989)
WP: Ravensburg, 10 November 1989
Heinz and Ursula Holliger
Duration: 13 minutes
94 Together for violin and double bass (1989)
Two movements.
WP: Århus, 28 April 1990, Numos Festival
Helge Slaatto (violin), Frank Reinecke (double bass)
Duration: 12 minutes
*2 Playing Scores
101 Sonata for Violin and Piano (1991)
WP: Frankfurt am Main, 26 September 1991, Alte Oper
Thomas Zehetmair (violin), Siegfried Mauser (piano)
Duration: 17 minutes
*Score & Violin Part
107 Espace I for violoncello and piano (1992)
WP: Hamburg, 7 December 1992, Hotel Atlantik
Walter Grimmer (cello), Peter Roggenkamp (piano)
Duration: 11 minutes
*Score & Cello Part
107a Espace II for violoncello, harp and oboe ad libitum (1993)
WP: St. Blasien, 17 September 1993
Andreas Schmid (cello), Ursula Holliger (harp), Heinz Holliger (oboe)
Duration: 13 minutes
*Score & Parts
111 Ost-West-Miniaturen / East-West-Miniatures for oboe und violoncello (1994)
Videoclip: East-West-Miniature II (beginning)
WP (I.): Vienna, 7 November 1995, Musikverein
Heinz Holliger (oboe), Patrick Demenga (cello)
Duration: 6 minutes
WP (II.): Berlin, 28 May 1994, Siemens-Villa
Albrecht Mayer (oboe), Götz Teutsch (cello)
Duration: 5 minutes
*2 Playing Scores
H. Instrumental Solos
1 Fünf Stücke / Five Pieces for Piano (1958)
Excerpts on videoclips: I. Adagio, grazioso – Andante; II. Andantino, espressivo; III. Allegro moderato; IV. Allegro; V. Allegretto
WP: Bilthoven, 6 September 1959, Gaudeamus Music Festival
Herman Kruyt (piano)
Duration: 7 minutes
*Playing Score
15 Shao Yang Yin for harpsichord or organ or piano (1966)
Videoclip harpsichord – Videoclip piano
Arr. for piano by Kaya Han 1996
WP: Freiburg / Breisgau, 12 January 1968
Edith Picht-Axenfeld (harpsichord)
Duration: 8 minutes
Editions: 1. for harpsichord. With two registrations by Isang Yun (set upright) and by Antoinette Vischer (italics) for a harpsichord with pedal registration. It is assumed that Yun used a harpsichord formerly owned by Wanda Landowska in the Berlin Museum of Musical Instruments while Mrs. Vischer used a Neupert harpsichord, model “Bach”.
*2 This edition was replaced in 1998 by a new edition with an additional registration (in red print) by Edith Picht-Axenfeld for the model “Blanchet 1742”, i.e. a copy of a historical instrument. Preface: Walter-Wolfgang Sparrer.
*3rd edition for piano by Kaya Han (1996). Foreword: Walter-Wolfgang Sparrer
16 Tuyaux sonores for organ (1967)
WP Hamburg-Wellingsbüttel, 11 March 1967
Gerd Zacher (organ)
Duration: 12 minutes
*Score (graphically notated organ part with suggested interpretation by Gerd Zacher)
22 Glissées for violoncello solo (1970)
Videoclips: I. (Beginning) | II. (Beginning) | III. (Beginning) | IV. (Beginning)
WP: Zagreb, 8 May 1971, Biennale
Siegfried Palm (cello)
Duration: 16 minutes
25 Piri for oboe solo (1971)
The composition may also be performed on clarinet.
Videoclips: First Part | Second Part | Third Part | Fourth Part | Lecture Heinz Holliger 2015
WP: Bamberg, 25 October 1971
Georg Meerwein (oboe)
Duration: 11 minutes
*Score (with suggestions for multiphonics by Georg Meerwein)
34 Etudes for Flute(s) solo (1974)
Excerpts on videoclips:
I. Moderato [flute]; II. Adagio [alto flute]; III. Allegro [picc.]; IV. Andante [bass fl.]; V. Allegretto [flute]
Playlist all Flute Etudes (complete)
WP: Kyoto, 18 July 1974
Chang-Kook Kim (flutes)
Duration (complete): 23-24 minutes
*Score (with suggestions for multiphonics by Beate-Gabriela Schmitt)
37 Fragment for organ (1975)
WP: Hamburg-Wellingsbüttel, 17. May 1975
Gerd Zacher (organ)
Duration: 6 minutes
42 Königliches Thema / Royal Theme / Thema Regium for violin solo (1976)
After the theme of The Musical Offering BWV 1079 by Johann Sebastian Bach
Videoclip: Var. V + VI – Kolja Lessing (violin)
WP: Düsseldorf-Benrath, 1 April 1977
Klaus Peter Diller (violin)
Duration: ca. 8 minutes
46 Salomon for alto flute or flute (1977/78)
Derived (extracted and developed with new material) from the cantata Der weise Mann / The Wise Man (1977)
Videoclip: Excerpt with Roswitha Staege
WP: Kiel, 30 April 1979, das neue werk
Beate-Gabriela Schmitt (alto flute)
Duration: 7 minutes
58 Interludium A for piano (1982)
WP: Toyko, 6 May 1982
Aki Takahashi (piano)
Duration: 11 minutes
60 Monologue for bass clarinet (1983)
WP: Melbourne, 9 April 1983
Harry Sparnaay (bass clarinet)
Duration: 11 minutes
Derived (extracted and developed with new material) from the slow movement of the Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra (1981).
60a Monologue for bassoon (1983-84)
WP: Nizza, 2 February 1985
Alexandre Ouzounoff (bassoon)
Duration: 11 minutes
Version of the Monologue for bass clarinet.
70 Li-Na im Garten / Li-Na in the Garden. Five pieces for violin solo (1984-85)
Die hungrige Katze / The Hungry Cat
Das Kaninchen / The Rabbit
Das Eichhörnchen / The Squirrel
Der Boxer von nebenan / The Neighbour’s Boxer
Das Vögelchen / The Little Bird
WP: Berlin, 28 November 1986, Erich-Höppner-Gymnasium
Li-Na Chen (violin)
Duration: 17 minutes
78 In Balance for harp solo (1987)
WP: Hamburg, 8 April 1987
Ursula Holliger (harp)
Duration: 12 minutes
79 Kontraste / Contrasts. Two pieces for violin solo (1987)
Videoclips: Kontraste I | Kontraste II
WP: Hamburg, 10 April 1987
Winfried Rüssmann (violin)
Duration: 16 minutes
109 Chinesische Bilder / Chinese Pictures for recorder (or flute) (1993)
Also for transverse flute (large flute or, in movement II, alto flute)
Videoclips (excerpts):
Der Besucher der Idylle / The Visitor of the Idyll
Der Eremit am Wasser / The Hermit at the Water
Der Affenspieler / The Actor with the Monkey
Die Hirtenflöte / The Shepherd’s Flute
WP: Stavanger, 14 August 1993, Internationales Kammermusikfest
Walter van Hauwe (recorder[s])
Duration: 18 minutes